Tourism Trust Fund

A description of the camp would not be complete without paying tribute to the Tourism Trust Fund (TTF), which was instrumental in the development of many of the camp’s facilities.  The TTF was a collaboration between the government of Kenya and the European Union. It’s aim is to enhance tourist facilities in a few selected areas of the country.

We are grateful for both funding and advise from the TTF, which came after Sekenani Camp was selected to be a beneficiary of the scheme.

A little bit more about TTF:

“The Tourism Trust Fund, (TTF) was established by the Government of Kenya through Legal Notice Number 47 of the Exchequer and Audit Act (Cap. 412). Our objective is to alleviate poverty and assist sustainable community development and conservation of natural and cultural resources through direct assistance to the tourism industry.

To achieve this, we fund small to medium sized tourism enterprises and community based organizations, local authorities, tourism area plans and policies that work towards opening up new areas for tourism in Kenya, with the ultimate aim of diversifying Kenya’s product.

TTF want to ensure Kenya’s tourism growth continues to be sustainable and have a positive impact on both the environment and local communities.”

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