Corporate Social Responsibility

Sekenani Camp and Corporate Social Responsibility go hand-in-hand! We have taken an interest in the community that lives next to the Maasai Mara Reserve and close to our camp. Over the years we initiated and supported micro projects in the areas of healthcare, education, veterinary services and the provision of clean water.

In an effort to expand the impact the camp is able to have in these areas, we were instrumental in creating the Mara Division Development Project (MDDP). It is a joined project together with a local NGO, Action Africa Help International (AAH-I).  This NGO works closely with communities to identify and develop programmes that promote ownership, relevance and sustainability.

The camp has hosted Action Africa Help International staff, and assists with logistical support for projects at the grassroots level in communities around the Mara.

Leaders in Waste Management

Sekenani Camp has always been at the forefront of solid waste management in the Maasai Mara.  Every byproduct of the operation is sorted on a daily basis and forwarded to recycling enterprises. If you would like to see our waste management facilities, please ask the manager or any other member of our staff.  We will be very  happy to show you what we do and how we do it.

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Waste management

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